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Application Process & Fees for Licence / Registration of Fishing Vessel, Fishing Gear, Persons Engaged or Employed on Fishing Vessel, Entry Permit and Port Clearance/Report of Arrival at SFA Fishery Ports

When you want to operate a fishing vessel, you must obtain the required licences/registrations. This page outlines the main steps involved.

Applying for a Fishing Vessel Licence

Applying for a Fishing Vessel Licence

All inboard fishing vessels must be licensed by SFA. The annual licence fee varies, depending on the Gross Tonnage (GRT) of the fishing vessel. The breakdown is as follows:

Vessels by Gross TonnageAnnual Licence Fee
Fishing Vessel Licence Inboard Engine less than 50GRT$175
Fishing Vessel Licence Inboard Engine more than 50GRT but less than 100GRT$242
Fishing Vessel Licence Inboard Engine more than 100GRT$470

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Applying for New Fishing Gear

Applying for New Fishing Gear

Fishing gears used on SFA-licensed vessels are also required to be licensed. Follow the steps below to apply for a licence for new gear onboard a licensed fishing vessel. The fee is a one-time payment and the licence remains valid as long as there is no change to the type of fishing gear. 

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Registering personnel on fishing vessels

Registering personnel on fishing vessels

Follow the steps below to register employees and persons engaged in activities onboard your fishing vessel. The registration is valid for 1 year. You must renew their registration before it expires.

Vessel PrefixRegistration Fee
Vessel prefixed with the letters “SMF”Annual fee of $14 per registered person
Vessel prefixed with the letters “SF”One-time registration fee of $14 per person


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For more information
You can also contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 16 Oct 2024

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