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Requirements for Licence / Registration for Food Manufacturing & Storage

Operators of coldstores, food processing establishments, slaughterhouses, and food storage warehouses must satisfy the general requirements, conditions of their licence/registration, and comply with prevailing food regulations.


Contents in this page

What are the general requirements?

To apply for a licence or register with SFA to operate a Coldstore, Food Processing Establishment, Slaughterhouse or Food Storage Warehouse, you must:

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What are the licensing conditions?

SFA’s licensing conditions require licensees to set up their operations and premises with the proper infrastructure and features to ensure food safety.

You should review the conditions carefully and ensure you are able to meet them, to minimise any unnecessary inconvenience and costs arising from the need for remedial action. 

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SFA’s licensing and registration requirements and conditions seek to safeguard food safety. Contact SFA if you need help understanding or complying with the conditions.

Are licensed establishments allowed to sublet?

If a licensee subleases the premises, in part or in whole, to other entities, the new operator must apply for a new licence.

For cloud kitchens, each subdivided unit must apply for its own licence.

What laws must licensed establishments and registered warehouses comply with?

You must comply with the prevailing food safety laws, their subsidiary legislation, and the licensing conditions


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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