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SFA corporate video

Great ingredients make great food. Where do these ingredients come from and what does it take for the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) to ensure and secure a supply of safe food for Singapore? Find out in “The Singapore Food Story: Recipes for Singapore’s Food Security and Safety”.

Our SG Food Story

By SFA x The Meatmen

In partnership with The Meatmen channel, SFA has produced a short video to show how three local farms, Netatech, Apollo Aquaculture and Seng Choon Farm, are already putting in place technology and processes to grow more with less, sustainably.

As consumers, you can play your part by supporting and buying local produce. Let’s write the next chapter of the SG Food Story together!

Singapore's Food Future

With the majority of our food imported, local production is important to reduce our reliance on food imports. It can also provide a buffer in the event of supply disruptions.

That is why we’re working towards ‘30 by 30’ — to build up capability and capacity of our agri-food industry to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally by 2030.

One way we're doing this is to master plan and transform the Lim Chu Kang area into a high-tech agri-food zone that can raise food production in a sustainable and resource-efficient manner. Let's shape the future of our food story together.

Our Food Future 2

You saw a young boy and his father dream of feeding a nation. Now see their ideas take flight as we shape our food future together.

Marine Aquaculture Centre (MAC)

The Marine Aquaculture Centre (MAC), located at St John’s Island, is established by SFA to conduct research & development in aquaculture technology.

The centre’s research & development (R&D) efforts focus on intensive hatchery production and fish reproduction techniques to facilitate fish farming production in Singapore.

Here Got Farm Meh?

Due to land constraints in Singapore, these 7 farms are making use of alternative spaces to grow food. Situated away from conventional farming areas such as Lim Chu Kang, they have shown that with technology and innovation, food production can take place anywhere in the city.

Check out the video and see for yourself that 'here really got farm lah!'

Where Do Singapore Eggs Come From?

By Mothership

N&N Agriculture is a local egg farm that produces 360,000-400,000 eggs for Singapore every day. They also produce their own poached eggs, hanjuku eggs, and even tamagoyaki. We checked out the farm and asked their boss some common egg questions (like "will a chick ever fall out of an egg???")

Photo credit: Mothership

Hired Or Fired: Fish Farmer For A Day

By The Smart Local

Xenia from The Smart Local becomes a fish farmer for a day at one of Singapore’s coastal farms, Prime Aquaculture Fish Farm. Watch her take on challenges on fish farm inspection, fish feeding and fish harvesting. Do you think she has what it takes to be a fish farmer in Singapore?


Photo credit: The Smart Local

The Rise of Alternative Careers

By Rice Media

When circuit breaker kicked in April 2020, thousands of people across all sectors lost their jobs, with the F&B industry in particular taking a big hit. This led to many people breaking into burgeoning food-based alternative industries such as home businesses and even farming.

In this explainer video, we speak to Chef Oliver of Open Farm Community and Ng Yiak Say of Blue Ocean Aquaculture Technology (BOAT) to learn how they overcame difficulties of circuit breaker's restrictions, and how the growth of these alternative industries would help protect the future of both their careers as well as Singapore's food security.

Photo credit: Rice Media

What is a typical day for a Food Scientist?

Discover what it’s like at the National Centre for Food Science with Specialist Team Lead in the Research & Exposure Science Department, Dr Er Jun Cheng to learn more about how he leverages science and technology to build a safer food chain for all.

How about a career in aquaculture research?

Paying a visit to the Marine Aquaculture Centre on St John's Island with Hazel Chew, from the Agri-tech & Food Innovation Department, Singapore Food Agency to find out more about the sustainable efforts to turn waste products into fish feed.

Get to know our scholars

Hear from our scholars as they address the most commonly asked questions about working at the Singapore Food Agency.

Food Safety Video 1: Adopting Good Food Safety Practices

We should always maintain a high standard of hygiene and sanitation when preparing and cooking food. Here are some good food safety & hygiene practices you can adopt. Let’s stay vigilant and do our part to keep food safe.

Food Safety Video 2: How does food get contaminated?

Do you know that food can get contaminated anywhere along the food chain, including during food preparation at home? Follow Just Keep Thinking as they investigate some of the common mistakes we make on food safety - with some very cool experiments!


Poster, Brochures and Crafts for Food Safety & Security

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Travelling Exhibition for Food Safety & Security

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Assembly / Virtual / Pre-recorded Talks for Food Safety & Security

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Last Updated 17 May 2024

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