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Overview of Novel Food Regulatory Framework

Novel food comprises food or food ingredients that do not have a history of human consumption over the past 20 years. It also includes traditionally consumed food ingredients produced through advances in technology (e.g. production of proteins through precision fermentation). 


SFA has a regulatory framework in place to ensure that only novel food which is safe for human consumption can be manufactured, imported, distributed, or sold in Singapore.

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Why is there a framework for novel food?

Demand for novel food has been increasing due to growing consumer interest in healthier, more sustainable, and innovative food options.

Novel food, such as cultivated meat and alternative proteins, not only caters to consumer demands but also helps diversify Singapore's food sources.

The framework regulates novel food to ensure consumers are protected while fostering food innovation by providing a clear regulatory pathway for the approval of novel food.

Under this framework, the safety of food consumed in Singapore remains a top priority, with all novel food required to be rigorously assessed before approval for sale.

Who must comply with the Novel Food Regulatory Framework?

Anyone who wants to manufacture, import, distribute or sell novel food in Singapore must comply with the framework. 

What is novel food?

Under the framework, novel food refers to food and food ingredients that do not have a history of human consumption over the past 20 years.

Novel food may also include compounds that are chemically identical to naturally occurring substances but are produced through advances in technology. Examples of novel food include cultivated meats and alternative proteins produced using precision fermentation.

What is the framework?

The framework comprises a set of rules and guidelines to ensure the safety of novel food manufactured, imported, distributed, and sold in Singapore.

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How are safety assessments reviewed?

To support the framework, SFA established the ‘SFA Novel Food Safety Expert Working Group’ to provide scientific advice, ensuring that safety assessments are rigorously reviewed. 

The expert working group comprises 11 experts specialising in food science, food toxicology, bioinformatics, nutrition, epidemiology, public health, genetics, carcinogenicity, metabolomics, fermentation technology, microbiology, and pharmacology.

Members of the Novel Food Safety Expert Working Group 

Professor John LimExecutive Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence, Duke- NUS Medical School
MembersDesignationSpecialisation Field(s)
Professor Zhou WeibiaoHead of Department, Food Science and Technology , National University of SingaporeFood science (Food engineering, food processing and functional food)
Professor William ChenDirector, Food Science and Technology Programme, Nanyang Technological UniversityFood science (fermentation)
Professor Christiani Jeyakumar HenrySenior Advisor, Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation, A*STARNutrition
Adjunct Professor Sebastian Maurer- StrohExecutive Director, Bioinformatics Institute, A*STARBioinformatics (allergenicity prediction)
Adjunct Associate Professor Annie LingGroup Director, Policy, Research and Surveillance Division, Health Promotion BoardEpidemiology
Adjunct Associate Professor Chow Wai LengDirector, Disease Policy and Strategy Division,  Ministry of HealthPublic health
Associate Professor Yew Wen ShanHead, Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of SingaporePrecision fermentation and microbiology
Assistant Professor Ching JianhongAssistant Professor, Director, Metabolomics @Duke-NUS Medical SchoolMetabolomics
Professor Chan Chun Yong, EricProfessor, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore Pharmacology and Toxicology (physiological-based pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics modelling)
Associate Professor Tan Soo YongHead of Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STARBiobanking, molecular pathology, cancer genomics


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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