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Labelling Requirements for Genetically Modified (GM) Food

Genetically Modified (GM) foods, like all other food products, must meet food labelling requirements.

Contents in this page

What GM foods can be sold in Singapore?

Only GM foods that have been assessed to be safe can be sold in Singapore.

Genetically modified (GM) food developers seeking to use GM food in Singapore are required to submit safety information on their GM food for assessment by Singapore’s Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) and the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).

These assessments are conducted based on principles set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The CAC is an international standards-setting body, established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

For more information, see:

Regulatory framework for the use of genome edited crops in food and/or animal feed Conditions related to use of genetically modified crops in food

What are the labelling requirements for GM food?

All food products sold in Singapore, including GM foods, must comply with the labelling requirements. For details, see the Labelling Requirements for Food.

Must the label indicate if the product is GM food?

Food products for sale in Singapore can be voluntarily labelled as “GM” or “non-GM”. All information presented must be factual and must not mislead consumers. 

To date, the CAC does not require GM food and food containing GM ingredients to be specifically labelled. 

What is the international standard for labelling GM food?

There is no international consensus on the mandatory labelling of GM food and food containing GM ingredients, or the threshold level of genetic material in a food product that requires labelling. In countries where GM labelling is mandatory, its primary objective is to enable consumers to make informed food choices.

SFA and GMAC keep abreast of global discussions on GM food to ensure that rules and regulations are up to date with best practices and international frameworks.


For more information
More information on GM food can be found at GMAC.
You can also contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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