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Classification of General Food & Food Products

Different categories of food and food products have to comply with different regulations and requirements, in order for them to be imported, exported, or transhipped.



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Who should use the classification of food and food products?

Food businesses, traders, consumers, and travellers who want to import, export, or tranship food and food products should identify the appropriate classification of their food or food products.

This is an important step, as each category of food and food products has to comply with a specific set of rules for the purposes of importing, exporting, or transhipping.

For example, if a business intends to import frozen pizzas, they have to classify the type of pizza appropriately, depending on the ingredients used. A pizza with meat toppings is classified as Meat & Meat Products, while a pizza with cheese toppings is classified as Processed Food.


What food and food products are listed in the classification?

There are currently 6 categories of food or food products listed in the Classification of Food and Food Products, namely:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Shell eggs and processed eggs
  • Processed food and food appliances 
  • Live animals (live poultry & livestock)

Food-Health Products


Food-health products that are medicinal in nature are regulated by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). 

Food-health products that are non-medicinal in nature and are taken in the form typical of food as part of a daily diet are regulated by SFA. Food-health products that are regulated by SFA include bee pollen, essence of chicken, and herbal jelly.


For more information, see Products in the Food-Health Product Interface.

Live Poultry and Livestock


There are specific requirements and regulations for the import, export and transhipment of live poultry, livestock or live animals. For more information, please see:

What You Need to Know for Import of Live Poultry, Livestock & Live Animal
What You Need to Know for Export/Tranship of Live Poultry, Livestock & Live Animal

Overseas establishments exporting live poultry, livestock or live animals must be accredited by SFA. For more information, please refer to Overseas Accreditation of Specific Food & Food Products.

How do I use the classification?

Before importing or exporting any food and food products, check the classification of your food or food products using the table below or the Food & Related Products Classification Tool to determine the likely classification of your food or food products. 

Once you have classified your food or food products, please do the following:

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HS Codes or Product Codes

Before you import, export, or tranship, make sure you understand the nature of your food or food products so that you can choose the correct or most relevant HS/product codes to avoid delays in processing your consignments.

Where can I find the classification?

Classification of Food and Food Products
Food GroupWhat is includedHS/Product Codes

Meat & Meat Products


Whole carcasses or parts of any animal or bird.

These can be chilled, frozen, processed, or in canned form. 

They include products containing meat, animal oil, and fat such as chicken meat powder and lard.

Examples of processed meat products include beef rendang, salami pizza, and bak kwa (BBQ meat slices).

Product codes for Meat & Meat Products

Fish & Fish Products


Any of the following varieties of marine, brackish water, or freshwater:

  • fishes
  • crustaceans (e.g. crabs, lobsters, prawns, etc.)
  • molluscs (e.g. squids, octopus, cuttlefish, etc.)
  • marine sponges
  • trepang or marine invertebrates (e.g. sea cucumber)
  • any other form of aquatic life, including their young and eggs

These can be live, chilled, frozen, processed or in canned form.

Product codes for Fish & Fish Products

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables


Raw and unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

Examples include raw (fresh) ginseng and fresh durians.

Excluded: Fruits and vegetables that have undergone some processing such as cutting, peeling, canning, and freezing. These are regulated as processed food.

Product codes for Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Eggs & Egg Products


Shell eggs

Product codes for Shell Eggs

Processed Eggs

  • salted and preserved eggs
  • liquid and powdered eggs
  • cooked eggs (e.g. hard-boiled eggs and omelette)
Product codes for Processed Eggs

Processed Food & Food Appliances


Processed Food

All food products and supplements of a food nature that are not grouped as meat products, fish products, or fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.

Examples include:


  • mineral water
  • wine
  • infant formula
  • milk and milk products such as cheese, milk powder, and yoghurt
  • biscuits
  • cooking oil
  • beverages
  • nuts
  • insects and insect products
Product codes for Processed Food

Food Appliances

Any item that is meant to come into contact with food and beverages and does not require electricity* to function.

Food ware such as:

  • bowls
  • cups
  • plates
  • pans
  • pots
  • water bottles

Food utensils such as:

  • chopsticks
  • spoons
Icon Caution

Appliances that require electricity are not regulated by SFA. You may want to use the Singapore Customs HS/CA Product Code search tool instead.


Product codes for Food Appliances

Live animals (live poultry & livestock)


Live poultry, livestock and animal are domestic birds and animals meant for the purpose of slaughter for consumption.

Examples include live chickens and live pigs.

Product codes for Livestock and Animal Products



Raw rice

Product codes for Raw Rice

Frequently Asked Questions

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Last Updated 20 Oct 2024

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