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Marine Aquaculture Centre

The Marine Aquaculture Centre in Singapore is a core facility for research and development in collaboration with partners and the industry. Its main aim is to advance Singapore's capabilities in tropical marine aquaculture R&D.


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The Singapore Food Agency Marine Aquaculture Centre


The Marine Aquaculture Centre (MAC) is located on St John's Island in the open southern waters of Singapore.

As the R&D hub for tropical marine aquaculture, the Marine Aquaculture Centre (MAC) plays a crucial role in transforming Singapore's agri-food industry


Marine Aquaculture Centre

MAC enables the aquaculture industry to grow more with less in resource-scarce Singapore by deepening our expertise and building up our R&D ecosystem in tropical marine aquaculture through partnerships with the industry and academia.

For instance, MAC conducts R&D on large-scale hatchery production technology and fish nutrition (e.g. fish feed) which are more nutritious and, at the same time, environmentally sustainable. Local hatcheries have since adopted MAC’s live-feed production and hatchery protocols for their fry production.

MAC's Research Activities

Research Activities MAC

The Centre has 14 purpose-built blocks that house specialized research facilities, incubation modules, and essential auxiliary structures for aquaculture research.

Besides conducting its own R&D, MAC also partners various Research Institutes (e.g. Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory and Tropical Futures Institute) and Institutes of Higher Learning in Singapore to drive innovation and conduct cutting-edge tropical marine aquaculture research.

MAC also serves as a venue for aqua-tech companies to test-bed their technology to enhance tropical marine aquaculture practices.

MAC’s Expertise and Facilities

MAC supports local R&D efforts with its expertise in crucial areas of fish husbandry such as breeding, live feed, hatchery production, and fish diet formulations.

Local researchers have access to facilities purpose-built for aquaculture research at the MAC. They include replicated tank systems and incubator spaces, which are ideal for the commercial test-bedding of R&D outcomes.

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Experimental tank systems of different tank volume for fish trial.

Local researchers also have access to key aquaculture research and feed production resources, including eggs, larvae, rotifers, and microalgae.


Clockwise from top left: On-site fish feed production, vacuum coater, twin screw extruder, microalgae, seabass larva, Artemia nauplii, seabass fingerlings, rotifer, seabass egg.

MAC’s Key R&D Collaborations

Asian seabass selective breeding programme


Asian seabass brooders kept at MAC. Brooder are fish chosen for producing offspring. These brooders are selectively bred for faster growth, have better resistance to diseases, and improve nutritional value. Their offspring inherit these desirable traits and qualities.

MAC collaborated with Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory to develop the Asian seabass selective breeding programme, where brood stock (fish selected specifically for breeding) was meticulously selected using aquaculture genomic tools.

The genomic tools identified fish with desirable traits for breeding (e.g. faster growth rate, higher disease resistance and omega-3 fatty acid content). 

As the brood stock produced subsequent generations of offsprings, the programme gradually led to a lineage of fish that inherited and accentuated these desirable traits, without the use of genetic modification. These fast-growing, disease-resistant fingerlings have higher survival rates, increasing farm yields and giving local fish farmers a productivity boost. 


Transformation of local hatcheries

To shift local hatcheries from large outdoor ponds to high-capacity indoor facilities that use only a fraction of the size, MAC developed an intensive indoor hatchery that features a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) – a technology that local fish farmers can adopt for indoor, large-scale, closed-loop fish production.

An indoor hatchery featuring a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS), designed to improve productivity and minimise environmental impact.

MAC conducts hatchery R&D that leads to technology and sustainable farming practices that local fish farms can adopt to increase their production yield and quality.

There are multiple benefits to this system e.g. the recycling of clean water saves resources and minimises waste discharge, and the contained indoor environment ensures that fishes are not exposed to harmful elements and can grow in a controlled environment. With this technology, fish farmers can potentially improve fish fry survival with better biosecurity measures and intensify production using less space. 


Research in fish feed nutrition

MAC set up the Aquaculture Nutrition Facility to encourage research in fish feed nutrition. Good fish feed ensures that fishes receive the right balance of nutrients (e.g. vitamins and minerals) to maximise its growth and health while reducing the environmental impact of fish farming.

The Aquaculture Nutrition Facility is purpose-built for research into fish feed nutrition.

The Pilot Feed Mill and Experimental Tank Systems were specially designed for nutrition studies. Researchers use the facilities to conduct research, such as developing experimental fish feeds and testing these feeds through fish feeding trials. Such research efforts contribute to the discovery of new knowledge and improved methods in fish feed nutrition.

MAC’s support for local farms

Aside from R&D, MAC also provides technical advice to help local farms adopt sustainable farming practices and technology. 

This includes advising farms on setting up live feed cultures and hatcheries, developing protocols for hormone injections, and using fish breeding techniques to boost yield.

Farmers can seek these advisory services through the SFA Feedback Form.


Learning Journeys to MAC

While MAC is not available for public tours or walk-in visitors, it offers both customised on-site and virtual learning journeys for schools to inspire young, curious minds to learn more about aquaculture.

On-site Learning JourneysVirtual Learning Journeys
Only for students studying aquaculture and/or teachers teaching aquaculture/fish biology-related topics.For students and teachers in secondary school and higher education.
Max 20 pax per sessionNo pax limit per session
Preferably on the last Friday of the monthAvailable every last Friday of the month
2pm – 4pm2pm – 4pm
To book, apply hereTo book, apply here

Self-paced Learning Journeys for everyone 
Those curious about the fascinating world of aquaculture can go on a self-paced virtual learning journey on YouTube from the comfort of your home.

Through the video tour, you can explore the advanced facilities up close and learn about our research projects.

For more information
You can contact us at:
Marine Aquaculture Centre
St John’s Island, Singapore 
Tel: (65) 9046 4787

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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