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Update, Renew, Cancel Licence / Registration for Farming

Farmers are responsible for renewing their licences/registrations and informing SFA when they need to update or cancel their licences/registrations.


Renew Farm Licence/Fish Culture Farm Licence

Contents in this page

All licensees are required to renew their licence yearly before the licence expiry date if they wish to continue with the business.


Who can renew the licence?

The person authorised by the licensee.

When should I renew?

You should keep track of your licence validity period and renew your licence before it expires. SFA will send you renewal notices via email before the expiry date. You will not be able to renew your licence if it has expired, and you will be required to submit a new application.  

How much does it cost to renew?

The fees are listed in the table below.

Type of LicenceLicence Fee
Farm Licence

$100 per year

Fish Culture Farm Licence

$145 per year

Are there any conditions for renewal?

You must have a valid tenancy for your premises. Renew your tenancy before you renew the licence. 

Land leased/tendered from SFA

Land leases and tenancies from SFA have specific tenures. To apply for renewal, you can write to the lessor or contact your SFA Farm Account Manager.

Applications for renewal will be considered based on their own merits and the Government’s long-term plans for the land in consultation with public agencies.

How do I renew my licence?

To renew, make timely payment of the licence fees before the expiry date.

You can make payment via:

  • GIRO: If you have a GIRO arrangement with SFA, the licence fees will be deducted from your bank account. Ensure there are sufficient funds in your account. Your licence will be renewed when the deduction is successful.

  • AXS: You can pay using the AXS self-service kiosk, mobile app, or website.

How do I get a copy of my licence?

You will receive a copy of your licence via email. For Fish Culture Farm Licences, you will also receive a printed copy via post.

Renew Fishing Vessel Licence

Contents in this page

All licensees are required to renew their licence annually before the licence expiry date if they wish to continue with the business. SFA will send you renewal notices via email before the expiry date.


Who can renew the licence?

The person authorised by the licensee.

How much does it cost to renew?


Type of LicenceLicence Fee
Fishing Vessel Licence

$66 per year

Are there any conditions for renewal?

You must have a valid Fish Culture Farm Licence. The validity of your Fishing Vessel Licence is tied to the validity of your Fish Culture Farm Licence.

If an inspection is required, you must pass the inspection before your licence is renewed. 

How do I renew my licence?

To renew, make timely payment of the licence fees before the licence expiry.

You can make payment via:

  • GIRO: If you have a GIRO arrangement with SFA, the licence fees will be deducted from your bank account. Ensure there are sufficient funds in your account. Your licence will be renewed when the deduction is successful.

  • AXS: You can pay using the AXS self-service kiosk, mobile app, or website.

How do I get a copy of my licence?

You will receive a copy via email and a printed copy via post.

Renew Registration of Personnel

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Renew Registration of Personnel

You do not need to renew your register of personnel when you renew your licence. The list of personnel in your register is valid as long as the registered persons are still employed or engaged in any activity on a Licensed Fish Culture Farm.

If there are any changes to the personnel, you should update your registration. For details, see Update Licence/Registration.

Update Licence/Registration

Contents in this page

All licensees are required to keep their licence/registration updated.


Who can update the licence/registration?

The person authorised by the licensee or registrant.

When do I update my licence/registration?

You must update when there are changes in your contact details (e.g. mailing address, email, and contact number), within 30 days of the change.

You will need to submit a new licence application if there are changes to the following:

  • your business entity or UEN
  • the location of your licensed premises
  • farming activities (e.g. changing from farming of fish to vegetables)
Icon Warning

Farm licensees must get approval from SFA when they want to change their farm’s layout or licensed activities as changes might impact food safety or require additional licences. Failure to do so can result in enforcement actions. Remedial/corrective actions, or movement control may be imposed.

To seek approval, contact SFA via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

How much does it cost to update my licence/registration?

There is no fee or cost to update your licence/registration.

How do I request to update my licence/registration?

To request an update to your licence/registration, fill in the SFA Online Feedback Form.


How long does SFA take to process updates?

SFA will review the request and contact you if additional information or an on-site inspection is required.

How do I get an updated copy of my licence/registration?

SFA will email you a copy of your updated licence/registration.

Cancel Licence/Registration

Contents in this page

You should request to cancel your licence/registration if you no longer require it.


Who can cancel the licence/registration?

The person authorised by the licensee or registrant.

When do I cancel my licence/registration?

You should request to cancel your licence/registration when you no longer require it. For example, when you have ceased operations of your farm, fishing vessels, or employment of registered personnel. 

Licences/registrations cannot be transferred. If you intend to change the ownership of your farm, please contact SFA before doing so.

How much does it cost to cancel my licence/ registration?

There is no fee or cost to cancel your licence/registration.

How do I cancel my licence/registration?

You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form. SFA will inform you via email when your licence/registration has been cancelled.


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 19 Oct 2024

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