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Types of Farms in Singapore

Our local food farms play an important role in enhancing Singapore’s food security and mitigate the impact of global supply disruptions that may occur from time to time. 


Contents in this page

What are the main types of farms in Singapore?

Our farms can be categorised as land-based and sea-based:

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Are agricultural farms in Singapore land-based or sea-based?

Agriculture is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for food production. In Singapore, agricultural farms are land-based and can be found outdoors, indoors, or on rooftops.

To learn more about the types of agricultural farms and technologies in Singapore, go to Agriculture Technologies.

Are aquacultural farms in Singapore land-based or sea-based?

Aquaculture refers to the farming of fish and shellfish. Aquaculture farms in Singapore are both sea-based and land-based. 

To learn more about the types of aquaculture farms and technologies in Singapore, go to Aquaculture Technologies.

Where can I find a list of licensed farms in Singapore?

You can download the lists of farms using the links below:


List of Licensed Land-Based Farms

Download Download PDF

List of Licensed Sea-Based Farms

Download Download PDF

Registered personnel on fish culture farms

Download Download PDF


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Last Updated 20 Oct 2024

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