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Biosecurity Guidelines for Licensed Aquaculture Farms

Aquaculture farms should adopt SFA’s guidelines on biosecurity measures for disease control and surveillance.


Contents in this page

Who should use the biosecurity guidelines?

Licensees of farms who keep, rear, breed, or board fish and shellfish for commercial food production should adopt the biosecurity guidelines. 

Why do aquaculture farms need biosecurity measures?

Diseases affect the survival and growth rate of fish. Biosecurity measures help to minimise production losses caused by diseases and reduce the need for treatments.

It is important for each farm to take precautions against the introduction and spread of diseases within the farm, and to other farms. 

How do aquaculture farms implement biosecurity measures?

Farms are encouraged to appoint one or more of their staff to monitor farm site conditions and to develop and manage farm biosecurity. 

SFA has drawn up some Biosecurity Guidelines to help farms. A list of courses and training providers can also be found in the Biosecurity Guidelines.



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Last Updated 16 Oct 2024

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