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Contents in this page

Learning Journeys

Learning journeys are conducted by the following SFA centres. Details and request forms can be found on these pages:


National Centre for Food Science

We host learning journeys for students from Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities, preferably for students studying science related topics. The details are as follows:

  • Physical sessions can be arranged for up to a total of 20 pax.

  • Sessions are available on every second Friday of the month, from 9.30am to 11.30am at 7 International Business Park.

  • To request for a Learning Journey to NCFS, please fill in this form.

Click here to learn more about National Centre for Food Science


Marine Aquaculture Centre

SFA’s Marine Aquaculture Centre (MAC) on St John’s Island provides technical advisory to help local farms adopt sustainable farming practices and technology. It also hosts practical workshops and mentorship for interns from polytechnics and universities, as well as learning journeys for schools. More details on learning journeys to MAC is as follows:

  • Virtual sessions are available on every last Friday of the month.

  • Physical sessions can be arranged for up to a total of 20 pax, only for students studying aquaculture and/or teachers teaching aquaculture/fish biology related topics.

  • Both sessions are to be held between 2pm and 4pm.

  • To request for a Learning Journey to MAC, please fill up this  form.

  • Go on a MAC Virtual Learning Journey  here.

Click here to learn more about Marine Aquaculture Centre

Farm Tours

Farm tours and visits are independently organised by local farms and companies.
A non-exhaustive list can be found here.

Workshops and Activities

For workshops and activities on growing edibles or gardening, please visit:



Poster, Brochures and Crafts for Food Safety & Security

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Travelling Exhibition for Food Safety & Security

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Assembly / Virtual / Pre-recorded Talks for Food Safety & Security

Read more

Last Updated 17 May 2024

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