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WSQ Food Safety Course (FSC) Level 1

All Food Handlers must attain and maintain a valid Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) FSC Level 1.


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Who must attain WSQ FSC Level 1 certification?

As of 1 July 2023, all Food Handlers, whether working in retail or non-retail food establishments licensed by SFA, must attain WSQ FSC Level 1. Training and certification are provided by approved training providers.

Retail food establishments include hawker stalls, food stalls at canteens, and restaurants. Non-retail food establishments include food manufacturers and food processing plants. 

A Food Handler is defined as any person who handles and prepares food and beverages within food establishments licensed by SFA. To learn more about Food Handlers, see Requirements for Food Handlers.

SFA, together with SSG, has harmonised the training curriculum and assessment for both retail and non-retail food businesses, in aligning them with the refreshed SSG Skills Framework (SFw) for Food Services.

Is it a one-time certification?

Food Handlers who have attained WSQ FSC Level 1 certification are permitted to engage in food handling activities for up to 5 years. 

Since October 2014, Food Handlers are required to attend WSQ FSC Level 1 (Refresher) to continue handling and preparing food at the 5-year mark and the 10-year mark as shown in the table below.

The WSQ FSC Level 1 (Refresher) course ensures Food Handlers continue to practise good hygiene.

Refresher TrainingCompliance
1st refresher trainingWithin 5 years from the date of initially passing the WSQ FSC Level 1
2nd and subsequent refresher trainingsEvery 10 years from the date of passing the previous refresher training


What are the training options available?

Training OptionDuration
WSQ FSC Level 1 (FSC L1)6 hours of training + 1.5-hour assessment
WSQ FSC L1 (Refresher)3 hours of training + 1.5-hour assessment
WSQ FSC L1 (Assessment Only Pathway) for participants to undergo the assessment without attending training1.5-hour assessment
WSQ FSC Level 2 (FSC L2)6 hours of training + 1.5-hour assessment

Upon successful completion of the assessment for any of the training options, participants will be awarded a Statement of Attainment (SOA) by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

Who provides the training and certification?

Training and certification are provided by training providers approved by SSG. To enrol, contact a training provider listed on SSG-approved training providers for FSC Level 1.

Icon Caution

Food Handlers must be trained and certified only at SSG-approved training providers.

How much does training and certification cost?

To find out the cost of training and certification, contact the SSG-approved training providers listed above.

Are previously attained food safety certifications recognised? 

  • Certifications under the F&B WSQ system

    The following food safety certifications are recognised: 

    1. WSQ FSC Level 1 (previously known as the Basic Food Hygiene Course)

    2. WSQ FSC Level 2

    3. WSQ FSC Level 3 (previously known as the WSQ Conduct Food and Beverage Hygiene Audit Course)

  • Institute of Technical Education (ITE) refresher certifications

    SFA continues to recognise the Refresher Food Hygiene Course certificate awarded by the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), issued between October 2010 and June 2014. 

    Food Handlers holding the ITE Refresher Food Hygiene Course certificate are required to attend subsequent refresher training 10 years from the date that the ITE certificate was awarded.


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 17 Oct 2024

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