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Businesses that need Licence / Registration for Farming

To carry out farming activities regulated by SFA, you must have the required licence/registration.

Contents in this page

When do I need a licence/registration?

You will need a licence/registration for the following activities regulated by SFA:

  • operating a land-based farm for commercial production
  • operating a fish culture farm for commercial production
  • operating fishing vessels servicing fish culture farms
  • engaging personnel for activities on fish culture farms

What licence/registration do I need from SFA?

The table below summarises some of the different types of farming activities and the licence/registration required. 

Type of LicenceType of Activity
Farm Licence

Land-based farms for keeping, rearing, or breeding animals or birds, or cultivating plants, for commercial food production e.g. dairy farms, layer farms, mushroom farms, urban farms, and vegetable farms. 

Fish Culture Farm Licence

Sea-based fish culture farms for commercial production e.g. fish farms and shrimp farms.

Fishing Vessel Licence Servicing fish culture farms.
Registration of Personnel on Fish Culture FarmsAll employees and persons engaged in activities on the fish culture farm.

Am I eligible to apply for the licence/registration?

To check whether you are eligible, see Requirements for Licence for Farming.

How much does the licence/registration cost?

Type of LicenceFees
Farm Licence$100 per year
Fish Culture Farm Licence

$145 per year

A separate fee of $1,100 is payable by the licensee where an assessment is conducted for new farms or for changes of farming operations on existing farms.    

Fishing Vessel Licence 
  • $66 per year (for a fishing vessel propelled by outboard engine(s))

  • $175 per year (for a fishing vessel propelled by inboard engine(s), not exceeding 50 gross tonnes)

  • $242 per year (for a fishing vessel propelled by inboard engine(s), exceeding 50 gross tonnes but not exceeding 100 gross tonnes)

  • $470 per year (for a fishing vessel propelled by inboard engine(s), exceeding 100 gross tonnes)
Registration of PersonnelNo fee

How do I apply for a licence/registration?

For details on how to apply, see Application Process & Fees for Licence for Farming.

How long will the application for a licence/registration take?

Type of LicenceDuration
Farm Licence2 months for SFA to evaluate the farming proposal. Applicants who receive SFA's approval can proceed to submit a licence application within 10 months.
Fish Culture Farm Licence
Fishing Vessel Licence for Servicing Fish Culture Farms3 working days for SFA to contact applicants for further processing. 
Registration of Personnel on Fish Culture Farms3 weeks to process registrations, provided the application is complete.

For more details, see Application Process & Fees for Licence for Farming.


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Last Updated 19 Oct 2024

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