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Land Tenders for Food Farming

This page contains information on land tenders for those interested in setting up food farms.


Contents in this page

Land Tender Announcements

4 Apr 2024SFA awarded four plots of land to four successful tenderers under the 

2023 Land Tender.

7 Dec 2023Please refer to Tender Schedule.
11 Oct 2023Tender briefing for the 2023 Tender. Please refer to the tender briefing slides.
5 Oct 2023SFA launched the 2023 Tender, Please the land tenders for vegetable farming. 

If you would like to be updated on land sales, please email Landsales@sfa.gov.sg.

Types of Land Tenders for Food Farms

With less than 1% of land set aside for agriculture food production, farms in Singapore have to make efficient use of our limited resources.

Land for agricultural use is usually let out via open tenders, and the selection process in a tender assessment is competitive. This ensures that our limited agricultural land goes to the most productive farmers with the best concepts.

There are currently two types of tenders:

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Evaluation Method

Each proposal is assessed based on its merits, including production track record and capability, relevant farming experience and qualifications, as well as business sustainability. The evaluation criteria are as follows:

  • Track record (20%)
  • Production capability (60%)
  • Business sustainability (20%)

Past Tender Results


For more information
You can contact us at Landsales@sfa.gov.sg

Last Updated 26 Feb 2025

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