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Inspection & Sampling at Food Processing Establishments and Coldstores

SFA conducts inspections on licensed food processing establishments and coldstores to ensure that food is prepared safely. Samples may be collected during inspections for laboratory analysis.


Contents in this page

What are food processing establishments?

Food processing establishments are licensed establishments where food is manufactured, processed, prepared, or packed for the purpose of distribution to wholesalers and retailers.

Examples include flour confectionery factories, dairy processing plants, noodle and pasta manufacturers, surimi-based product factories, and slaughterhouses for the slaughtering of animals such as poultry.


What are Coldstores?

Coldstores are used for the storage of meat and/or fish products.


Why does SFA inspect food processing establishments?

SFA inspects licensed food processing establishments and cold stores to ensure that licensees and their food production personnel (e.g. food handlers) comply with SFA regulations and licensing conditions, and adhere to good manufacturing practices, including good food safety practices. 

These inspections enable the early detection and rectification of food preparation processes and practices that may be hazardous or pose potential food safety risks.

SFA may also collect food samples from the licensed establishment for laboratory analysis to monitor if these samples comply with the standards required under prevailing food safety laws.

What is the scope of the inspection?

SFA will take the appropriate enforcement action if lapses are found during inspections. The licensee must rectify the issues found. SFA’s inspectors will follow up and verify that the issues have been rectified.


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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