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Information on Food Contaminants & Food Poisoning

Food contaminants are substances present in food that may cause us to fall sick or harm our health. Learn more about contaminants that cause foodborne illnesses and how we can prevent contamination.

Food contaminants can be classified into biological, chemical, and physical contaminants.

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Consuming contaminated food can cause us to fall ill. That is why it is important for everyone — industry, consumers and the government — to work together to reduce the risk of food contaminants.

To learn more about the different contaminants and how to reduce food safety risks, see Risk at a Glance.

How can we prevent contamination?

Preventing contamination to food products is a concerted effort and joint responsibility by the food industry, consumers, and the government. They can do so by:

  • The food industry must comply with regulations to ensure food safety and adopt practices to prevent food contaminants from entering and impacting the food supply chain.

  • Consumers play an important role as they directly control the food products that they buy and consume and how they prepare and store the food products. Consumers can take steps to prevent contamination by handling food properly. For details and tips, see Joint Responsibility in Food Safety.

  • SFA has put in place a comprehensive, farm-to-fork food safety system to ensure that our food is safe for consumption. To learn more about SFA’s integrated food safety system, see What We Do.



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Last Updated 17 Oct 2024

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