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What Laws Must Food Business Operators Comply With?

SFA will take enforcement action against licensed food establishments that contravene the prevailing food safety laws.


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What food laws must food establishments comply with?

Food manufacturers and food storage operators must comply with Singapore’s prevailing food laws.

SFA will take the appropriate enforcement action against food manufacturers and storage operators that contravene the prevailing food laws. Examples include:

• Failure to ensure that the licensed food establishment is properly maintained and kept clean.
• Failure to ensure that workers wear appropriate personal protective equipment during operations.
• Conducting activities that are not allowed at their establishments.

What enforcement actions can SFA take?

SFA may offer a composition sum to offenders for non-compliance with the prevailing food safety laws. For serious offences, SFA may prosecute offenders and/or suspend or revoke their licences. 


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You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form

Last Updated 18 Oct 2024

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