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Joint Responsibility in Food Safety

Ensuring food safety is a joint responsibility between the food industry, consumers and the government.


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The industry, consumers and the government each plays an important role in ensuring that the food that we eat is safe for consumption. 


Role of the Food Industry

The food industry is responsible for the safety of the food it offers to the public. Food farmers, producers, manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailers in Singapore need to maintain high food safety standards by complying with SFA’s requirements.

Responsible food industry players adopt good agricultural and manufacturing practices, as well as put in place food safety assurance programmes to ensure that their food and products are safe for consumption. 

Besides sending their employees for food safety courses and training, they also educate consumers on the safe use of their food and products.

Role of the Consumer

Consumers play a critical role in the food safety chain as they have full control over the food that they buy and prepare. 

They can protect themselves and their families by adopting good food safety practices (e.g. prepare and store food safely to prevent contamination), be aware of and avoid food safety risks (e.g. common bacteria and viruses) and make informed food safety decisions. 

Consumers are also encouraged to report any food safety concerns. If you have grounds to believe that the food sold is unsafe, contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form and provide us with the details. 

Role of the Government

The government is responsible for establishing a framework and an enabling environment that supports and empowers all stakeholders to play their part.

As the lead agency for food-related matters, SFA sets food safety standards that are guided by science and consistent with international standards to ensure that food in Singapore is safe. These are enforced through inspection and testing programmes. 

SFA also educates the public on food safety practices and provides adequate information to consumers regarding foodborne hazards and how to keep food safe.

Now that you are aware of the different roles, you can appreciate how each one of us plays a critical role in food safety. Together, let's keep food safe!

Last Updated 17 Oct 2024

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