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Agri-food Cluster Transformation (ACT) Fund

The ACT Fund is for SFA-licensed local farms. The purpose is to help our local farmers be more productive, resilient to climate change, and efficient in using resources.

Local farmers have until 31 December 2025 to submit their applications under the ACT Fund.


Contents in this page

Who can apply for funding?

The funding is only available to local farms as the ACT Fund is one of the ways SFA encourages our local farms to adopt technology and build up their capabilities.

To apply for funding, you must have a farm in Singapore with a valid farm licence issued by SFA.

New farms that have not obtained their licences must have an in-principle approval from SFA to operate a farm at the premises stated in their farm licence application.

For details on the eligibility requirements, see How to apply for funding.

What is supported by the ACT Fund?

The ACT Fund aims to transform our agri-food sector into one that is highly productive, climate-resilient and resource-efficient by supporting:

  • Capability Upgrading
    For example, you can get funding for farming equipment and systems for small-scale pilot trials to raise productivity, improve resource efficiency, or reduce pollution and waste.

  • Technology Upscaling
    For example, you can get funding to set up a large commercial-scale high-tech farm that is highly productive and resource-efficient.

What is funded under “Capability Upgrading”?

You can apply for funding for the following under Capability Upgrading for:

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What is funded under “Technology Upscaling”?

You can apply for up to $6 million for farming technology or systems and for farm-related infrastructure costs.

The funds can be used:

  • to purchase large commercial-scale, automated and advanced farming technology solutions that will be integrated with agri-input production, post-harvest and waste treatment technologies

  • to defray infrastructure and building costs that will be incurred to install the farming system(s) for setting up new farm sites or retrofitting indoor spaces within ready industrial spaces for farming

Cash advancement of up to 20% of the maximum amount funded is available to successful applicants. For more details, see How to apply for funding.

How to apply for funding?


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Background on the ACT Fund

The $60 million ACT Fund was introduced in April 2021 to support local farms in adopting technology and advanced farming systems along the farm-to-fork value chain. The results of projects funded contribute towards a vibrant agri-food ecosystem and our food security.



For more information

You can contact us at SFA_incentives@sfa.gov.sg.

Last Updated 21 Oct 2024

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