Food Additives Search

This database is made available solely for the purpose of information. It does not in any way supplement the law, nor constitute legal guidance. Food additives that are permitted for use in Singapore are listed in the Food Regulations, which is available on SFA’s website:


(GMP) - “Good manufacturing practice” means that the additive may be added to food at a quantity limited to the lowest possible level necessary to accomplish its desired effect, unless otherwise prohibited under individual standards under the Food Regulations. Food additives listed under the Seventh Schedule when used as nutrient supplements should be added at levels that are safe and suitable for the target consumers, and taking into consideration the requirements specified under Regulations 11(4) and 252.

( * ) – Maximum levels or specific conditions of use are stipulated under the Food Regulations. Traders are advised to refer to the specified Regulation or Schedule for details.


This database is made available solely for the purpose of information. It does not in any way supplement the law, nor constitute legal guidance. Food additives that are permitted for use in Singapore are listed in the Food Regulations, which is available on SFA’s website: