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Media Releases

Recall of Ji Xiang Special Grade Black Melon Seed from China due to presence of cyclamate (as Cyclamic Acid), and saccharin exceeding permitted levels


08 Oct 2024

  1. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected the presence of cyclamate (as Cyclamic Acid), as well as saccharin exceeding permitted levels, in Ji Xiang Special Grade Black Melon Seed. SFA has directed the importer, Guangdong Import & Export Pte Ltd, to recall the implicated product. The recall is ongoing.

  2. Cyclamate and saccharin are permitted food additives used as artificial sweeteners and are approved for use in certain food products (e.g. soft drinks and canned fruits). The use of cyclamate is currently not allowed in nuts and seeds products, while the use of saccharin for nuts and seeds products is permitted up to a maximum limit as stated in Singapore’s Food Regulations.

  3. While there are no immediate health risks from consuming nuts and seeds products found to contain cyclamate and saccharin, prolonged excessive consumption of both sweeteners should be avoided.

  4. Nonetheless, SFA is taking a precautionary approach, and is currently conducting proactive sampling and testing of nuts and seeds products in Singapore. SFA will initiate recalls of affected products detected to contain non-permitted sweeteners (e.g. cyclamate) or exceeding levels of permitted sweeteners (e.g. saccharin).

  5. Consumers who have consumed the implicated product and have concerns about their health should seek medical advice. Consumers may contact their point of purchase for enquiries.

  6. Details of the product are as follows:

Product Name: Ji Xiang Special Grade Black Melon Seed

Weight: 1kg

Pack Date: 23/08/2024

Country of Origin: China



Issued by the Singapore Food Agency
8 October 2024
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