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Requirements for Online Food Sellers

Online food businesses must comply with prevailing food safety laws and regulations.


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Who must comply with the requirements imposed on online food sellers?

Online food sellers, a type of online food business, sell food online via online marketplaces, social media platforms, and food delivery platforms.

Other types of online food businesses include group buyers and food delivery service providers. 

For more information, see:

Guidelines for Group-Buy Organisers

Requirements for Food Delivery Businesses

What laws must online food sellers comply with?

They must comply with Singapore’s prevailing food laws and regulations. SFA will enforce these laws and take action against any infringements.

Do online food sellers require a licence from SFA to operate?

Online food businesses may require relevant licences from SFA based on the nature of their business activity. If the online food businesses engage in activities that require a licence from SFA, such as the import of food items, they must obtain the relevant licences before commencing their operations.

For instance, if the nature of the online business is to import meat and meat products to sell online, the company must have a meat import licence as any import of meat and meat products requires a licence.

Similarly, if you also operate a physical brick-and-mortar shop that requires any handling, cooking or processing of food, you must apply for a food shop licence from SFA before you commence your business operations. 

Conversely, if your online food business is solely to resell food products from a local distributor online without any handling, cooking or processing of food, and you do not have a physical store, you do not require a licence to sell food online.

What are the responsibilities of online food sellers?

In addition to complying with the prevailing food laws, online food sellers also have the responsibility to ensure that the food they sell is obtained from SFA-regulated sources.

To better understand your responsibilities, download the Guidelines for food sellers selling food online via e-commerce platforms.

Being a responsible food seller can help you gain your customers’ trust and encourage repeat purchases. Conversely, errant food sellers may be reported to SFA and face legal action.

Customers can report errant food sellers via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

How can I get my customers to play their part in food safety?

You can provide information on the food products that you sell to enable your customers to make informed decisions before they make a purchase. You can also share food safety tips with your customers and encourage them to have a better understanding of food safety risks and adopt good food safety practices.

Encourage your consumers to exercise discretion and making informed decisions and judgement when buying food online.

Are there any industry standards for online food sellers to follow?

Online food retailers can follow the Guidelines for Food E-commerce (Singapore Standard (SS) 687: 2022), which can be purchased from the Singapore Standards eShop.

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For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 16 Oct 2024

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