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Food Hygiene Notices

Suspension of Licence of Chi You Lai Fish Soup & Ban Mian - 510259, under the Points Demerit System


04 May 2021

Suspension of Licence of Chi You Lai Fish Soup & Ban Mian, the food stall at ​259 Pasir Ris Street 21, #02-30, Singapore 510259 under the Points Demerit System 

               The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) will be suspending the licence of Chi You Lai Fish Soup & Ban Mian, the food stall at 259 Pasir Ris Street 21, #02-30, Singapore 510259, under the Points Demerit System. The period of suspension is two weeks from 04/05/2021 to 17/05/2021.
2       The licensee has accumulated 12 demerit points over a 12-month period and was fined a total of $800 for the following offences:
No.OffenceDemerit points
(1)Failure to keep licensed premises free of cockroach infestation6
(2)Failure to keep licensed premises free of cockroach infestation6
3       Based on track records, a licensee who accumulates 12 or more demerit points during a 12-month period may have his licence suspended for a period of either two or four weeks, or cancelled. All food handlers working in the suspended premises would also be required to re-attend and pass the Food Safety Course Level 1, before they can resume work as food handlers.
4       SFA takes a serious view of these offences and would like to remind food operators to observe good food and personal hygiene practices at all times, and to engage only registered food handlers. SFA will not hesitate to take firm action against anyone found to be in violation of the Environmental Public Health Act.
5       In the interest of maintaining a high standard of food hygiene at all eating establishments, we would also like to advise members of the public who come across poor hygiene practices in food establishments not to patronise such outlets and provide feedback via the online feedback form (http://www.sfa.gov.sg/feedback) or to call our SFA Contact Centre at 68052871 with details for our follow-up investigations.
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