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Trade circular on Outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Hungary


10 Mar 2025

Meat Traders

Dear Sir/Madam


Hungary reported an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in dairy cattle in Győr-Moson-Sopron county in Kisbajcs, Hungary.

2   In view of the outbreak, the National Parks Board/Animal & Veterinary Service (NParks/AVS) has imposed a temporary restriction on the importation of beef and pork from Hungary which have not been processed to inactivate the FMD virus, with effect from 6 March 2025. Processed beef and pork products which comply with WOAH guidelines for inactivation of FMD virus will not be subjected to the restriction.

3    Beef and pork consignments, which have not been processed to inactivate the FMD virus, exported from Hungary before 6 March 2025 and slaughtered before 20 February 2025 will continue to be accepted for import.

4. Please contact SFA should you have any enquiries on the import of beef and pork products.


Risk Managment & Surveillance Department
Joint Operations Division
Singapore Food Agency



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