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What You Need to Know for Import of Live Poultry, Livestock & Live Animal

Businesses that want to import live poultry, livestock, and live animals for consumption or local food farm production must be licensed by or registered with SFA.


Contents in this page

Who is allowed to import live poultry, livestock & live animals into Singapore?

Businesses that want to import live poultry, livestock, and live animals for consumption or local food farm production must comply with Singapore’s food safety requirements and have the following documents:

  1. licence/registration from SFA

  2. a Cargo Clearance Permit (CCP) issued by Singapore Customs for each consignment, which incorporates SFA’s requirements

Use the table below to identify the licences/registrations you need. 

Type Licences/Registrations
Broiler chickens and broiler ducksLicence to Import Poultry
Day-Old-Chicks (DOCs) and hatching eggs, and other types of poultry (including geese, turkeys, silkies, quails, chukar partridges and pigeons)Licence to Import / Export / Tranship Animals, Birds, Eggs and Biologics
Sheep, cattle and goats

Licence to Import Sheep and Goats


Licence to Import Pigs

Frogs and crustaceans

Licence for Import/Export/Transhipment of Meat and Fish Products

Registration to Import Live Frogs for Consumption

How do I apply for the licence/registration from SFA?

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How do I apply for a Cargo Clearance Permit (CCP) for every consignment?

Follow the steps below to apply for a CCP.

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What happens after I have obtained my CCP?

After you have obtained the CCP, follow the steps below to bring your imports into Singapore. 

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How do I apply for a Special Slaughter Permit for Sheep and Goats (for religious slaughter)?

For every consignment of sheep or goats imported into Singapore for religious slaughter (e.g. Korban), you will need a Special Slaughter Permit. To apply, follow the steps below:


Complete the application form for permit to slaughter animal(s) other than a licensed slaughterhouse with the required information on the applicant, details of slaughter and place of religious ceremony.

The permit is valid only on the specified date of slaughter.

2SFA will contact you within 3 working days once your application is received. Please submit your application at least one month in advance. You can also contact SFA via the Online Feedback Form to follow up on your application.

Make payment via GIRO:


  • $25 permit
  • $5 per animal


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 20 Oct 2024

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