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Library of Export Market Requirements

SFA has compiled a list of Market Reports of countries/regions to assist the Singapore food industry to understand the import requirements of these countries/regions if they wish to export food and food products grown or made in Singapore.


Contents in this page

What are these market reports for?

These market reports are intended for traders looking to export food and food products grown or produced in Singapore, particularly to country/region that have food trade links with Singapore.   

These reports are solely for informational purposes. Exporters are responsible for understanding the importing country/region's requirements and ensuring that their exports comply with these requirements.

Icon Warning

You should verify the information in these reports with other data sources (e.g. importers and authorities in the importing country) and seek professional advice where required.

SFA makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the reports. Neither SFA nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall be held liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, as a result of any improper or incorrect use of the information in the reports.

What food & food products are covered in the reports?

The reports cover five generic food categories:

  • Eggs and egg products
  • Fish and fish products
  • Fruits, vegetables, and their products
  • Meat and meat products
  • Milk and dairy products

Which countries/regions are covered by the market reports?

The market reports cover 28 countries/regions identified by exporters as key markets of interest with notable food trade links and connections with Singapore.

Southeast AsiaBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
East AsiaChina, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region, Japan, South Korea
South AsiaIndia, Maldives
West AsiaOman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
OceaniaAustralia, New Zealand
EuropeEuropean Union, Russia, United Kingdom
AmericaArgentina, Brazil, Canada, United States

What do the market reports contain?

The reports contain market access information, including details on food regulations and standards for the five generic food categories.

Each report provides details on the topics listed in the table below.


1Product eligibility / ineligibilityTypes of food products (meat, dairy, eggs, fish, fruits, or vegetables) made or grown in Singapore eligible for export.
2Importing country/region authorityList of overseas Competent Authorities responsible for regulating, approving, or supervising the import of food products from Singapore.
3Pre-export approvals required by the importing country/region
  • Pre-listing requirements for Singapore food products or Singapore food establishments before they are exported.
  • Arrangements that overseas importers need to undertake or comply with before or during the import process.
4Export certificates for foodList of food regulations and other certificates that the importing country/region requires for each consignment of food exports.
5Regulations and standardsList of relevant food legislation and compulsory/voluntary standards imposed by the importing country/region on Singapore food products.
6Labelling, packaging, and marking requirementsList of food labelling requirements, primary and secondary packaging requirements, and carton marking requirements for Singapore food products.
7Other informationAdditional valuable information relevant to the export of Singapore food products.


How often are the reports updated?

These reports are updated annually. Exporters should always verify the information from these reports with the latest official requirements of the importing countries/regions. 

Where can the reports be downloaded?

You can download the reports from the table below.

Icon Warning
SFA is providing these reports for information purposes only. While care has been expended in the preparation of the reports, SFA makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the reports. 

Appropriate professional advice should be obtained before relying on or acting on any of the information contained in the reports, and neither SFA nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall be held liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, as a result of any improper or incorrect use of the information in the reports.


For more information 

You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 19 Oct 2024

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