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Sea Space Available for Tender


Contents in this page

Food Fish Farming



PBK 1MK34 – 04178P50,758

Food Fish Farming


(Fin Fish and Crustaceans)

S$10,000/-Concept and Price20+10
PBK 2MK34 – 04179T50,902S$10,000/-

Viewing of Tendered Parcels

As the current parcels are publicly accessible, SFA will not arrange for any viewing of the parcels. You shall be responsible for your own safety when accessing the spaces.

Tender Documents

Tenderer may obtain the full set of tender documents, by filling up the Download Tender Documents - Tranche 1 Sea Tender Near Pulau Bukom form.

We will announce on Sea Tenders for Food Farming if there is any corrigendum to be issued for the tender.

Tender Briefing

Please note the tender briefing (optional) would be held on 19 Jan 2024 2:30pm virtually via Teams. Details will be available after completion of the form above.


Contact us at Landsales@sfa.gov.sg

Information is updated as at the time of publication. SFA reserves the right to edit, alter and update any information as and when ready and available, without prior notification. SFA disclaims all legal liabilities for any information posted therein.



Last Updated 20 Oct 2024

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