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Forum Replies

Wearing of face mask or spit guard remains compulsory for food handlers


07 Mar 2025

We refer to 朱柯林’s letter, “摊贩不戴口罩危及食品安全” (28 Feb 2025).

As part of licensing requirements for food establishments, food handlers are required to wear a mask or spit guard to prevent contamination of food during the food handling process. 

This requirement applies to all individuals engaged in the preparation of food and drinks (eg. Preparation of ingredients, cooking, dishing, and packing of food) at all retail food establishments, including hawker and/or market centres, coffee shops and restaurants. Those who are not directly involved in food preparation , such as persons bringing plated food to consumers, collecting payments, or involved in cleaning activities need not wear masks.

SFA adopts a science-based risk management approach consistent with international standards and keeps abreast of the latest scientific developments to ensure food safety. As part of our holistic approach to food safety management, SFA regularly engages our stakeholders and reviews our policies to ensure they remain relevant.

More information on the Wearing of Mask or Spit Guards by Food Handlers is available at: https://www.sfa.gov.sg/maskorspitguardrequirements

Siti Suriani Abdul Majid
Senior Director
Joint Operations Division
Singapore Food Agency

Forum letter on 28 Feb 2025

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