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Forum Replies

Risk-based approach in regulating industry


06 Dec 2024

We thank Vera Zagorodnova for her letter “Make it easier for young F&B entrepreneurs to prepare food” (Nov 29).
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) adopts a risk-based approach in regulating food businesses.

Home-based food businesses (HBFBs), a category of home-based businesses operating under the Home-based Small Scale Business Scheme, are not required to hold an SFA licence. This is because the food safety risk is limited by the scale of their operation. 

While there is no requirement to be licensed, all HBFBs still need to comply with food safety requirements and SFA will take enforcement actions in the event of food safety breaches. HBFBs implicated in food safety incidents may also be directed to stop operations immediately or to recall food products sold.

In addition, HBFBs are not allowed to distribute food to retail food establishments and temporary fair stalls or provide catering services. Doing so could lead to them operating beyond the capacity afforded by a home setting, which would invariably increase the food safety risk.

Licensed food businesses, such as retail food establishments and temporary fairs, serve a much larger customer base and are therefore required to comply with requirements such as mandatory training for all food handlers and ensuring that their premises are appropriately set up and equipped to ensure the sale of safe food. HBFBs that are keen to expand operations beyond what their homes can support should therefore consider doing so in licensed food premises.

SFA will continue to monitor the industry and review the regulatory requirements for HBFBs to ensure food safety while supporting food entrepreneurs.

Siti Suriani Abdul Majid
Senior Director
Joint Operations Division
Singapore Food Agency

ST Forum Letter "Make it easier for young entrepreneurs to prepare food" (29 Nov)

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