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Media Releases

Additional recall of two Supremely Gourmet Dark Chocolate products due to undeclared milk allergen


07 Mar 2025

Updated media release

Update on 7 March 2025: Further to our media release on 26 Feb 2025, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has extended the recall to include two more Supremely Gourmet Dark Chocolate products due to the presence of milk allergen which was not declared on the food packaging labels. The two products are:

    1. Supremely Gourmet Mint Dark Chocolate
    2. Supremely Gourmet Orange Dark Chocolate

SFA has directed the importer, Redmart Pte Ltd, to recall these products. The recall is ongoing.

Consumers who have consumed the implicated products and have concerns about their health should seek medical advice. Consumers may contact their point of purchase for enquiries.

Details of the products are as follow: 










Recall of Supremely Gourmet Premium Dark Chocolate (96g) due to undeclared milk allergen

    The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected milk in Supremely Gourmet Premium Dark Chocolate (96g), which was not declared on the food packaging label. 

2         As milk is an allergen, SFA has directed the importer, Redmart Pte Ltd, to recall the implicated products. The recall is ongoing. 

3         Allergens in food could result in allergic reaction in individuals who are sensitive to it. Under Singapore’s Food Regulations, food products containing ingredients that are known to cause hypersensitivity must be declared on food packaging labels to protect consumers with food allergies.

4         Milk does not pose a food safety issue to consumers at large, except for those that are intolerant of, or allergic to, milk. Consumers who have purchased the affected products, and who are intolerant of, or allergic to, milk, should not consume them. Those who are intolerant of, or allergic to, milk and have consumed the implicated products should seek medical advice if they have concerns about their health. Consumers may contact their point of purchase for enquiries. 

5         Details of the implicated product are as follow: 


Issued by the Singapore Food Agency
26 February 2025


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